
For Antiphonal Brass and Percussion
Duration: 3:00 minutes

While studying at the University of Memphis, I had the fortune of studying with Kamran Ince, a student of Joseph Schwantner. My senior year there, we hosted Dr. Schwantner as composer-in-residence for our new music festival. I was introduced his music, and it had a very profound effect on me and the way that I write. In his magnum opus for orchestral winds and the mountains rising nowhere (inspired in part by the poetry of Carol Adler), there is a moment that appears like the sight of mountain tops suddenly clear and in view, rising from nowhere, with this stepwise rising theme in the horns. The idea of it was so very clear to me in the moment and inspired this short fanfare.

Shadows was a winner of the 2011 Dallas Wind Symphony Fanfare Composition Contest and was premiered on February 15, 2011 at Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, TX as part of a Dallas Wind Symphony concert performed by the University of Oklahoma Wind Symphony, William Wakefield conductor.